D.C. ladies, you looked phenomenal in your colorful, girly, and perfectly accessorized J.Crew outfits! You were a huge hit with the Pentagon City sales associates, and you definitely made the scene at Clarendon's chic Boulevard Woodgrill.
Below is what we wore. Please share your Polyvore set with me! Either send me the link at contact@3pennyprincesss.com or leave a comment letting me know your Polyvore name.
Also, what did you take home with your 20% discount? Tell me all about your finds!
J.Crew Private Shopping & Brunch - by 3-Penny Princess on Polyvore.com
JCA DC Brunch - by Cleo26 on Polyvore.com
Diana P's J.Crew Private Shopping & Brunch Outfit - by 3-Penny Princess on Polyvore.com
DC J Crew Aficionada Brunch-03/29/09 - by HeidiGblog on Polyvore.com
Polyvore To Real Life: JCA event 3/29/2009 - by Jcrew chick (aka slastena) on Polyvore.com
Dina's Brunch Outfit - by 3-Penny Princess on Polyvore.com
3Penny Princess Shopping Spree - by DC Hill Grl on Polyvore.com
JCA-DC Private Shopping Event & Brunch - by Smartiepants on Polyvore.com
DC JCA Brunch Outfit by DCFashionista featuring J Crew jeans
Easy, breezy Sunday morning shopping w/JCAs by fool4fashion featuring GAP jeans
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